Solos Masterclass 5.0

Solos Masterclass 5.0

Discover the Secrets That Have Helped 550+ Players Achieve their First $100 of Earnings

The Solos Masterclass 5.0 has 180+ private lessons that are constantly updated with each new season and designed to make sure you improve more in a few weeks than you have since you first started playing Fortnite. There's a reason it's helped create Over $200,000 in total earnings and has helped 550+ players quickly achieve their 1st earn earnings.  Ranging from PS4 players competing on a TV in their living room to players on 100+ ping.

Check Out The Solos Masterclass

All My Fortnite Masterclasses

Drop Masters

Drop Masters

Instantly Master the most crucial part of competitive Fortnite. With the World's Best Drop Map in your hands; you're guaranteed to land first, dominate off-spawn fights, and start every tournament game with a bang. Plus You also get the same off-spawn secrets Tier 1 Pros use to dominate their drop spots. Includes a Perfect Drop Map for anywhere on the map for free so you never have to stress about throwing your tournament because you died off spawn again.
FNCS Masterclass

FNCS Masterclass

The FNCS Masterclass was designed to level the playing field between you and the best players in the world. Because It teaches you how to master all aspects of Duos. With over 150 Exclusive lessons created by me and multiple tier 1 pros that constantly update. You'll have so much of an advantage over your opponents. It'll be next to impossible for you to apply the secrets inside and not get your best placements ever. If your ready to start competing with the pros make sure to get it today
Solos Masterclass 5.0

Solos Masterclass 5.0


The Solos Masterclass 5.0 has 180+ private lessons that are constantly updated with each new season and designed to make sure you improve more in a few weeks than you have since you first started playing Fortnite. There's a reason it's helped create Over $200,000 in total earnings and has helped 550+ players quickly achieve their 1st earn earnings.  Ranging from PS4 players competing on a TV in their living room to players on 100+ ping.

Check Out a Few Of The 550+ Masterclass Success Stories Below

Check Out The Solos Masterclass 5.0 Here

For Free Content Designed To Skyrocket Your Fortnite Skills Checkout My Youtube Channel Below

What The Best Players In The World Have to Say About The Fortnite Masterclasses


After using the Solos Masterclass 5.0, I picked up on multiple tips & strats that assisted my gameplay which allowed me to win two solo opens and a Solo Cash Cup Final in one season.

3x FNcs Winner 17x Grand Finalist


Destiny helped live coach me for my first pop off tournament where I 2nd in Solo All Stars. Since then I've helped create a lot of the Solos masterclass content with him that will help you significantly improve and reach your first earnings.

Veno 2x FNCS Winner Over 800k Earned


Destiny was one of the first coaches I used in Fortnite. I used all of his strategies to improve for Solo All Stars. If he was able to help me win the hardest Solo tournament in EU I know his masterclasses will help you.

Tayson 5x FNCS Winner Over 1M earned


Destiny is one of the best solo coaches ever. He helped me take the leap I needed when I first started placing in solos with his helpful and smart coaching. His masterclass will teach you everything he showed me so you can start placing too

Live Coached to 5x Solo Cash Cup Final Wins

Still Not Convinced The Masterclasses Will Skyrocket Your Skills And Results

Check Out The Insane Transformations Our Masterclass Users Have Made

CONIN4K - $4000 Earned

'I Almost Qualified for Grands and won 12 Solo Victory Cups"

KOBE - $300 Earned + Emaad $500 Earned

Kobe "tripled his PR and made $300 of earnings in 2 seasons" and Emaad -. 'Quadrupled his PR and made $500 in earnings

BLZERD - $5000 Earned

PRISM - $1600 Earned

"The Masterclass helped me qualify for 2 FNCS grand finals and win 19 Solo Victory Cups'

"Helped me join a Pro E-Sports team and make $800 from Solo Victory Cups"

OMAAR - $2400

'I Used It To Qualify For My First Grands ever and win multiple Victory Cups"

CLOUSH - $300 Earned

"I Would 100% recommend you get the Solos Masterclass if you want to get your first earnings

USIX - $700 Earned

"Buying the Solos Masterclass 5.0 is the best decision you can ever make"

Unlock The Solos Masterclass 5.0 >>.

Frequently asked questions

Have questions? We’re here to help

Is the Masterclass a subscription or one time payment?

A: All of my Masterclasses are one time payment and come with lifetime access and free updates for any new META's or season updates that come out. I've been creating free updates for over 3 years now so you have nothing to worry about.

I want to improve as an overall player which Masterclass is best?

A: I'd always recommend the Solos Masterclass 5.0 to anyone who wants to drastically improve at every aspect of competitive Fortnite. You will learn every fundamental skill needed to succeed that transfers over to any game mode and also rapidly improve your aim and mechanics with our top tier practice routines.

What payment types do you support?

A: We support PayPal, any type of card such as Visa, Mastercard or Amex and most online payment methods such as Google Pay can be used. If you are having any trouble purchasing try swapping to a different browser or using your phone to pay.

Once you've paid you get instant access to all of the content and lifetime free updates.

Which Pro Players will I be learning from?

A: The Solos Masterclass contains dozens of high quality in depth videos from tier 1 pros from all around the world. Some of the big names featured include:

5x FNCS Winner Tayson, Best Fighter Veno, World Cup Winner Aqua, Global Champs Mero & Cooper, Multi-Region FNCS Winner Muz, Controller God Reet, German Goats Rezon & Vadeal, Dreamhack Champ Malibuca, Clutch Master Hen, Mechanics Masters Noah & Vico + loads more.​

 Do you accept refund requests?

Yes but only if your deserving of a refund. If you never use the course that's on you. But if you use it to the best of your abilities, watch all the lessons and stil aren't seeing results. Then you can email me personally and I'll be willing to give you a full refund


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